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tag Tag: FU PAI E JIAO

2024-4-2 11:40
FU PAI E JIAO Colla Corii Asini Cake Special addition of red dates, wolfberry, E jiao content ≥ 10% China Healthy Food 90g

1. FU PAI E JIAO Colla Corii Asini Cake Special addition of red dates, wolfberry, E jiao content ≥ 10% China Healthy Food 90g

Regular Price: $45.90

Final Price: $22.95

Discount Code:  50UXLRJE

Code Start time: 2024-3-28 01:00 PDT

Code Expiration Date: 2024-4-10 23:59 PDT

1. The only official flagship store by FU PAI E JIAO unified delivery, quality and authenticity is guaranteed, can support online code query.

2. Inheritance of the millennium Dong'e town "贡胶" boiling process, in strict accordance with the forty-nine strict working method, has been included in the national intangible cultural heritage.

3. Selected non-GMO four major raw materials, each piece of vacuum independent packaging, to maximize the retention of fresh taste and nutrition.

4.DNA + characteristic peptide detection, the establishment of raw material traceability system, handmade without adding yellow gelatin, quality is guaranteed.

5.Serving Method: Open and eat immediately. Recommended serving size: 15-20 grams per serving, twice a day.

2024-4-2 09:34
FU PAI E JIAO Colla Corii Asini Cake, Traditional Chinese Health Food - For improving anemia, enhancing kidney function and replenishing collagen, Gift Box Style 360g (4 packs)

2. FU PAI E JIAO Colla Corii Asini Cake, Traditional Chinese Health Food - For improving anemia, enhancing kidney function and replenishing collagen, Gift Box Style 360g (4 packs)

Regular Price:$45.99

Final Price:$22.99

Discount Code:  5056I9BX

Code Start time: 2024-3-28 01:00 PDT

Code Expiration Date:2024-4-10 23:59 PDT

[ENERGY-PACKED]: Our Black Sesame Pecan Cake Energy Pastry is packed with protein, fiber and healthy fats, offering a power-packed source of sustainable energy.

[FULL OF FLAVOR]: The blend of black sesame and pecans creates a delectable taste that will make your taste buds dance with joy.

[HERBAL EXTRACT]: Specially added herbal ingredients and high in vital nutrients, making it ideal for active individuals who need to stay fueled throughout the day.

[EASY TO STORE AND CARRY]: The compact size and individually wrapped packaging make it easy to carry and store the protein bar wherever you go.

[GIFT BOXED]: The energy pastry comes in a beautiful gift box, making it an excellent gift for people on the go.

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