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Last Updated:
2024-6-18 10:20

FU PAI E JIAO Chrysanthemum Cassia Seed Tea - Organic Herbal Tea Bags, Honeysuckle, Licorice, Chrysanthemum Combination Flower Tea (150g, 10gX15Bags) 菊花决明子茶

FU PAI E JIAO Chrysanthemum Cassia Seed Tea - Organic Herbal Tea Bags, Honeysuckle, Licorice, Chrysanthemum Combination Flower Tea (150g, 10gX15Bags) 菊花决明子茶


Discount Code:  40EMGORV

Final Price:$10.67

Code Start time: 2024-6-18 01:00 PDT

Code Expiration Date 2024-6-28 23:59 PDT

Deep Relaxation

Pure natural herbal extracts to boost the body's metabolism. 1-2 packs per dosage will give you unprecedented relaxation.

Reduces Hyperpigmentation

Chrysanthemum contains a large amount of essential oils and inulin, which effectively accelerates local blood circulation. Inhibits skin production of melanin and reduces pigmentation

Promotes Liver Detoxification

Chrysanthemum cassia tea can promote liver metabolism and help speed up all body functions, and has a history of thousands of years in the East.

Caffeine Free

All use of complete herbal extracts, not broken, artificial additives free, caffeine free, natural herbal drinks. [ Shop Now ]

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